Regular readers of this column should by now, be familiar with spellings in Naija as used on this page. This niu spelin sistem was packaged by Naija Langwej Akedemi in collaboration with Institut Francais de Recherche en Afrique au Nigeria (IFRA-NG) code-named Standad Naija Otografi (SNO.) This autography has guided all spellings used in the promotion of Naija (aka Nigeria Pidgin) For example, if the above title was written in normal English language, it would read; Signboard Philosophy or Philosophy of the signboard. By the way, the average Nigerians regard billboards as signboards bikos na niu wod . In whatever name you choose to call it, let’s talk about hau di tin don skata som pipul hed fo Naija.
bai Edwin Eriata Oribhabor
In the world of GSM, the use of text messages is key for its brevity, clarity, timeliness in delivery and cost. Millions of text messages flai from ples to ples every minute. At peak periods, they jam demsef and sometimes put the networks at great risks of crashing. At yuletides, if you say “festive time” to no one in particular, you are most likely going to hear “texting time” just like in Churches all over Nigeria, where the shout of “offering time” by a “Man-of-God” is usually greeted with “blessing time” by members of the congregation. Considering our knack for spending quality time and resources on both phone calls and text messages, nobodi go tel yu se ol di GSM kompini dem fo Naija jos de hama. These days, it is fast becoming a ritual of some sort to have millions of Nigerians usher every new month with prayers and good wishes transmitted in all manner of text messages.
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