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Assessment of Risks in the Niger Republic and on the Niger-Nigeria border

CSFRSSupported by the Conseil Supérieur pour la Formation et la recherche Stratégique (CSFRS) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

In July 2011, IFRA-Nigeria was awarded a 100,000 euros research grant by the Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégique (CSFRS) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) to analyse socio-political Risks in Niger. In order to respond ton the call for project, IFRA-Nigeria formed a consortium with the Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Sociales et le Développement Local (LASDEL) in Niamey.

The project ‘PERILA N-N’ aims at assessing different dimensions of political as well as security risks in Niger Republic through the probing of the fragile character of the State, local factors of instability and potential sources of socio-political conflicts. It also includes the study of trans-border exchanges between Niger Republic and Nigeria.

This achievement must be replaced in the context of the launching, a few months ago, of a new five-year long strategic plan which paves the road for a re-foundation of IFRA-Nigeria’s research policy. Our Institute therefore reaffirms its readiness to compete for international research grants to increase significantly its scientific presence as one of the emerging think-tanks in West Africa through cutting-edge field research and high-quality publications.

The project is divided into three major research sub-themes:
1) assessment of faith-related risk, especially through the prism of the educative system ;
2) assessment of risks related to the fragile state of the public sector, at the level of infrastructures, border control and food security ;
3) and assessment of socio-economic risks, particularly in the context of migrations and extreme poverty among rural population.

A team of high-profile Niger and Nigerian scholars will work on this project to collect new empirical data, write case studies and contribute to the overall report. Dr. Nathaniel Danjibo from the Peace and Conflict Studies Programme of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, will coordinate the Nigerian team, while Dr. Mahaman Tidjani Alou and Dr. Amadou Oumarou will be in charge of the LASDEL team. The project will start in September 2011 and will end in August 2012.

Perila N-N : Niger-Nigeria Risks Assessment Project

The Niger-Nigeria Risks Assessment Project examines different dimensions of ‘Risk’ in Niger through a study of observable facts illustrating issues of fragility, instability and conflict-generation in this country, as well as from the perspective of trans-border exchanges between Niger and Nigeria.

The project comprises three main research directions and mobilizes 12 qualified researchers, 8 from Niger and 4 from Nigeria. They aim at gathering new empirical data on these topics which have so far generally been treated quite superficially in the Social Sciences and the Humanities. The team wishes to harness a reflection on the potentially dangerous character of these activities. It aims at identifying early warning signs and formulates recommendations to help preventing risk.

The program would include a synthesis of knowledge locally generated in Niger/Nigerian universities in the form of Masters and Ph.D. theses, thorough fieldwork, working seminars and the publication of scientific results on leading scholarly digital platforms and/or journals. The joint program would also go beyond the linguistic divide by bringing together scholars from Niger and Nigeria.

- Project Leader: Institut français de recherche en Afrique (IFRA)
- Project Associate: Laboratoire d’études et de recherches sur les dynamiques sociales et le développement local (
- Coordinator: M. Gérard Chouin
- Total funding: 99 999 €
- Maximal support brought by CSFRS: 99 999 €
- Begining and duration of Project: 18 october 2011, 11 mois




PERILA Final Report

Évaluation des risques au Niger et sur l’axe Niger-­‐Nigéria - rapport de synthèse - juillet 2013
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The PERILA research project, jointly conducted by IFRA-Nigeria and Lasdel (Laboratory for Study and Research on Social Dynamics and Local Development), ended in July 2013.

After 12 months of work, several meetings, collective thought, and long periods of individual fieldwork, the 11 researchers involved delivered their reports:

Dr. Seyni Moumouni:
- Dynamics of Radical Religious Groups in Niger

Dr. Nathaniel Danjibo:
- The Izala Movement as a Revivalist Ideological Movement in Kano
- Systems of Education, National Integration and Development in Nigeria: A Study of Some Schools in Kano State

Mahamane Tahirou Ali Bako:
- Islamization of the Educational Sphere in Niger

Dr. Abdourahmane Idrissa:
- Governance and Public Policies: Youth and Employment in Niger

Dr. Ila Ahmed:
- Governance and Public Policies: Access to Energy in Niger

Dr. Amadou Oumarou:
- Challenges of Food Safety in Niger: Analysis of Public Policies

John Odozi:
- Regional Trade in Grain between Nigeria and Niger: A Case Study of Food Security Risk in Illéla – Sokoto Borderland

Dr. Hamani Oumarou:
- Rural Exodus and Urban Security: Migration and Security in the City of Konni (Niger)

Dr. Rasheed Olaniyi:
- Transborder Circulation: Nigerien Immigrants in Kano

Dr. Willie Eselebor:
- Risk Assessment in the Context of Cross-Border Insecurities: A Case Study of Illela Border in Nigeria

Dr. Mounkaïla Harouna:
- Risks Related to Mass Returns of Nigerien Immigrants from Libya: The Case of the Municipality of Tchintabaraden

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