Scientific Committee : Dr A. Aderonke A. Adesanya (IAS, UI) ; Professor Adekunle Lawal (UI) ; J-L Martineau (IFRA) ; Professor A. Olukoju (UNILAG)
This program will provide grants to Nigerian researchers as part of the cooperation between IFRA and the Nigerian academic world as a whole. A conference will be organized where the results of the research financed by IFRA will be debated. The interest of this program is multiple:
1 / enable IFRA to develop contacts with academics and young researchers where they do not already exist. It will first interact with a few colleagues identified by the Scientific Committee.
2 / on the other hand, it is an epistemological requirement with such a subject to stimulate fieldwork in Nigerian research to promote the construction of a vision of a phenomenon that can be observed not only in the South West or Northwest, but in the whole of the country: a perspective on independance "at grassroots level”.
3 / It has been decided to work in conjunction with the Université Denis-Diderot Paris 7 to provide an opportunity for some Nigerian researchers to voice their views on this new research field. It will enable some Nigerian researchers to go to the "Living African independence at the turn of the 1960s" international symposium organized by the SEDET (Paris Diderot-Paris 7) from 2 to 4 December 2010.
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