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Symposium - Working with Masculinities

Working with Masculinities posterIFRA is proud to announce that we are co-organizing the International Symposium "Working with Masculinities" in collaboration with the Institut des Mondes Africains (IMAF) and Tampere University. This exceptional event is taking place on 26-27 March 2025, at IMAF in Aubervilliers. 

IFRA’s own deputy director, Delphine Manetta, will be the moderator for the “Workers, Spaces, Cultures and (Post)Colonial Orders” panel!

 Open to researchers with sound field experience, this symposium aims to reassess the place of masculinities in contemporary economies, whether through a reflection on work, on men's participation in household-making, or on the lifestyles associated with conceptions of masculinity. By taking a cross-disciplinary approach, this symposium will shed light on the entangled material and symbolic dynamics that shape contemporary masculinities in postcolonial contexts.


 You can scroll below to see the full program, or to download it!

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9ja Language Network Conference

NaijaBetween the 2nd and 5th of October the 9ja Language Network Conference took place at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Ibadan, IFRA-Nigeria is a sponsor of the event since many years. This conference was essential as Naijá (a.k.a. Nigerian Pidgin) has evolved over the last few decades to become the largest spoken and perhaps the most influential language in Nigeria. The current estimate of its speakers and users is placed at about 150 million with distribution across various continents.

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Online Book Launch // 'Nigeria's Fourth Republic, 1999-2021' by Dr Nwankpa

20221207 BookLaunchWednesday 7th December, 6PM (WAT)

Nigeria's Fourth Republic, 1999-2021. A Militarised Democracy by Dr Michael Nwankpa published by Routledge in 2022.

This book reflects on Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, the country’s longest democratic period since it gained independence. It argues that although constitutional or political democracy has lasted for over two decades, Nigeria’s democracy remains largely militarized. This book makes a compelling argument for considering the distinct character of the Nigerian nation state’s path to militarization over the last 20 years of experimentation with democracy. Its fresh insights into the fourth republic’s path to militarization will be of interest to researchers of African politics, security and development.

Discussion: Dr Oliver Coates (University of Cambridge)

Online Book Launch on Zoom. RSVP :

ASAUK Conference Diaspora Restitution and Culture Broadcasting Live at IFRA-Nigeria

20220831logoASAUKIn 2022, the biennial ASAUK Conference will be broadcast live at IFRA-Nigeria. The conference titled titled: “Diaspora Remittance Flows: Restitution, Culture and Capital will be broadcast live from IFRA-Nigeria on Wednesday 31st August. On Thursday, 1st September the conference will be broadcast from Nairobi and the final part of the online conference will be broadcast from Liverpool on Friday 2nd September, jointly chaired by the ASAUK and RAS presidents.

This conference took place in-person and online at IFRA-Nigeria on Thursday 31st August from 10:30am to 3:30pm. With generous funding from the British Academy we were able to allow free online attendance for the Nigerian audience and to host an in-person roundtable discussion at IFRA-Nigeria at the University of Ibadan.

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Earth Day Conference: "Challenges & Practilatities for Transition to Sustainable Societies" - April 21st, Lagos.

20220421 speakers Joy Egbe

Throughout spring 2022, Institut Français du Nigéria, the French Embassy in Nigeria and IFRA-Nigeria will be organising a collaborative conference series on environmental changes. To celebrate Earth Day, they organised  a conference entitled: "Challenges & Practicalities for a Transition to Sustainable Societies: Insights from France and Nigeria."
The roundtable was held at Alliance Française Lagos / Mike Adenuga Center (Ikoyi, Lagos) on April 21st from 6pm to 8pm.

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"Understanding human trafficking: the input of collaborative research" - Presentation of PACKING research Project - April 8th & 11th, 2022

 20220408 PACKING Abuja

The project PACKING "Protection of migrants and Asylum seekers especially Children and women coming from Nigeria and victims of trafficKING" coordinated by ECPAT France and funded by the European Commission ended in 2019. Following on from PACKING project, presentations of the research outputs were organized in April 2022 at Institut Français du Nigéria (Abuja) and Alliance Française Lagos. These events are part of the project "Don't Pay with Your Life" coordinated by ECPAT France, funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and MAEEL and in partnership with IFRA-Nigeria, UROMI JDPCI and GPI and ECPAT-Luxembourg.

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Conference and Photo presentation: Gender and Boxing in Lagos, March 1st

Boxing in LagosCarousselIFRA-Nigeria organised  a presentation of an art and research project by Taiwo Aina (Photographer, Visual Artist, Lagos) and Claire Nicolas (Postdoctoral Researcher in History, London). They presented their residency project on Lagos women boxers. In this project, they question gendered pathways and the ‘morality school’ of the gym(s).


The conference took place on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022, at 4pm, at Drapers Hall, Insitute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.

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Call for Abstracts: “Urban Lives and Environmental Changes”

Call For PapersUrbanLives

IFRA-Nigeria and CHSD launch a call for abstracts for a one-day transdisciplinary Roundtable on “Urban Lives and Environmental Changes” that will take place on May 10th, 2022, at Arthur Mbanefo Digital Research Centre, University of Lagos. This Roundtable is co-organized by early-career researchers from the Center of Housing and Sustainable Development (CHSD), University of Lagos and IFRA-Nigeria (Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan), and is part of a collaborative conference series organized by the Institut Français du Nigéria, the French Embassy in Nigeria and IFRA-Nigeria.

 This call is now closed, applicants will receive updates by the end of March. 

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Night of Ideas - (Re)Building Together - January 27th

0127GroupPictureIn Collaboration with Institut Français du Nigeria, IFRA-Nigeria organised an evening that celebrated the circulation of ideas and knowledges. The theme of 2022 Night of Ideas was "(Re)building Together : Inter-religious Dialogue and Social Cohesion. Perspectives from Nigeria".

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