Updates on the Ife-Sunbgo Archeological Project

DSC03993Between the 18th of June and the 15th of July 2023, a research team led by Prof. Gérard Chouin worked on the Ife-Sunbgo Archeological Project. Besides the continuation of the usual annual archaeological excavation, two trainings took place (see below). The Ife-Sungbo team hosted the team of Her Excellency the Ambassador of France to Ife between the 3rd and 5th of July 2023. The team opened additional units of the excavation at both the Ita-Yemoo and Lujumo compound sites to study further the context of the different layers and types of pavements discovered.


This year’s project involved participants from Nigeria, France and the United States.

In continuation of the FSPI project on the use of digital tools for the conservation and preservation of urban archaeological elements at Ile Ife, two training were conducted.

The first training related to the use of a GIS-developed survey app to capture data and upload them into the digital online map under construction. These two days training was led by the GISKonsult group based in Ibadan with whom we collaborated to develop the survey app. After these two days of training on how to use the survey app, volunteers embarked on a pavement survey using the newly developed survey app.

The second training was about the conservation and preservation of ceramic objects and pavement. It was a two-day training workshop designed for conservators from various museums across the nation. A total number of 15 conservators and heritage experts attended the training organized at the heritage hall of the National Museum Ita-Yemoo, Ile-Ife Osun state. The training was led by Carole Acquaviva, a ceramic specialist, and supported by Prof. Adisa Ogunfolakan for local contextualization.



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