IFRA & Thursday Film Series –  Vegetation in the city: a heritage from below?

DSC03803IFRA-Nigeria and the Tursday Film Series teamed-up again for an event on the 22nd to discuss the idea that, in the age of the sustainable city, urban development actors emphasise the importance of nature in cities although their perspective (subsitence, ecology and aesthetics) often overlooks or even oppose the local representations, knowledges and relationships with urban plants, trees and forests. Could the long-standing presence of urban nature in African cities be considered as a heritage that belongs to city dwellers who are concerned about preserving and transmitting it on their own and specific terms?

The screening of ‘Lemon Tree’, a 2008 Palestinian drama film directed by Eran Riklis, preceded a discussion on the following theme: "Plants, trees, forests in the city: a heritage from below?". The discussion was animated by Dr Emilie Guitard (Social anthropologist, CNRS) and Rémi Jenvrin (PhD student in Geography, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS) and sparked conversations on heritage, memory, ecology, power relations - between institutions and individuals - and feelings attached to trees. It was notably discussed how ‘Lemon Tree’ could be seen as an eco-feminist movie. The discussants and the audience also shared experiential and observed insights on Trees and Forests.

Tags: Nature, movie

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