Call for applications: field research “observing the election process in Nigeria”

20221208 RoundtableThe unfolding electoral moment in Nigeria is a period of critical importance for the country and of great interest to the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA), based at the Institute of African Studies (University of Ibadan). IFRA intends to play a role in observing and analysing the social impacts of Nigerian policies, polities, and politics in a short- and long-term perspective. In this electoral setting, IFRA is launching an observatory overseeing the 2023 elections in Nigeria. The aim is to produce socio-anthropological data and analysis on the election process. For this, IFRA is funding several young Nigerian researchers to conduct fieldwork-based research upon different topics (political violence, fraud, public space dynamics, particular groups voting intentions, ethnic based voting patterns…).

We wish to promote new point of views and analytical lenses to understand topical issues in social sciences. Such issues include the linkages between elections and insecurity, voter inducement, hate speech, corruption, the experience and position of gender and vulnerable groups throughout the election process. We also aim at initiating research on less popular topics such as various institutional analyses of the election process, understanding the role of dissonant voices during the elections, rights movement during the electoral period, accounts of the democratisation process by testimonies of actors and minoritarian groups. This is just an indicative list, we are open to other propositions.

Applicants must submit:

  • a CV
  • a short cover letter (1 and a half page max.) presenting academic background and interest in working for this specific research program.
  • a fieldwork proposal including a title, the background and rationale underpinning their project, research question(s), a methodological approach, a time schedule, and a bibliography For more information regarding how to write such a proposal, click here. The proposal should not be more than two/three pages long.

It is important when writing a proposal to keep in mind the feasibility of the study. This implies that the fieldwork one wishes to undertake must not expose her/him to unreasonable dangers. Furthermore, we encourage the applicant to adopt a multimethod approach, participant observation and focus groups for example, if suited to the research project(s).

Essential information:

The fieldwork must take place between January and March 2023.

Deadline for applications: January the 10th, 2023.

Required qualifications: Being a master’s student or having already obtained at least a master’s degree in any topic pertaining to social and/or human sciences.

Desired qualifications: Having fieldwork experience and hands-on experience with the methodological approach presented in the proposal is strongly desired.

Send your application by email to these two email addresses:

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Tags: Violence, Election, Anthropology, Security, fieldwork

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